I've spent up on new running gear in an effort to spur myself on but still I'm finding myself walking when I should be running! Been to club a couple of times in the last week. Did a 5 mile run on Monday but it felt more like 10. It's so disheartening that I'm now struggling to get up hills that I used to have no problems with. I'll blame it on the heat..
Friday at club was lots of fun. The last Friday in the month is now a coached session at Apperley Bridge. I led the warm-up trying out my newly acquired leading skills, and we were then put through our paces on what I guess you would call an obstacle course doing various different drills. It was pretty exhausting. The session was rounded off with a game of rounders which I haven't played since school - I love exercising when you're not even thinking about it. I'm aware that I'm becoming really competitive and am not sure whether this is good or not. I suppose if I channel this into races it'll be no bad thing.

Sunday, I was down in the Midlands and took myself out for a run around scenic Walsall on Sunday morning. Not sure how far I went but it was hot, hot, hot. Ran through all the old haunts including the Walsall Arboretum (home of the illuminations and pictured above). I love running in Walsall as it's just so flat compared to Bradford, though I must admit the scenery's a little different! Roads that I used to think of as hills are now just slight inclines. Brilliant!
June's been a bit of a rest month in terms of races. There's loads coming up in July though so that should keep me moving...next week is the Helen Windsor 10k in Halifax and then I'm taking part in two relays, which I'm looking forward to as I've not done a relay since school! The first is at Fewston Resevoir near Otley and the second in Golden Acre Park in Leeds. The final race of July is the Pudsey 10k at the end of July, which I'm told I will regret entering...we'll see.
Better get training...