Friday, 24 September 2010

Why Run?

I'm often asked why I run. What's the point? What keeps me going? Why do it?

The common assumption, usually from female friends, is that running is the key to major weight loss and I must admit that my original motivation to run was exactly that. I was working hard, completely unable to motivate myself to go to the gym and the weight was creeping on.

Oh, and did I mention that I love food?

Running, I decided was the answer. Surely it would mean as long as I ran regularly, I could eat whatever I want.

Eighteen months on and training for a marathon, I realised this simply wasn't true. In fact, I seemed to be putting on weight. How could this be? An article in the newspaper entitled 'Why exercise won't make you thin', confirmed my suspicions that horror of horrors, exercise alone simply doesn't cut it.

So, what is the point?

Well, I've grown to love the feeling of crossing the finish line, the elation of achieving goals, the routine and the focused, talented and amazing people I have met. Could I need another reason to run?

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