Looking at the map of the course, I realised that it was spread over three pages. It's a long way!!
But looking back over my blog posts since I started training in January, I think I've come a long way, though it definitely hasn't been easy. I've managed to be pretty consistent with my training, and it's definitely helped that I've had eight weeks of enhanced training via Bradford Athletics Network, which I've told myself is absolutely non negotiable on Monday and Thursday nights.
Fundraising for the British Heart Foundation is going well. Massive thanks are due to Martin, Becca, Lucy, Julie, Helen, Debbie, Steve, Karen, Julie and Sarah for their extremely generous donations to my marathon efforts over the last month or so.
This brings my fundraising total to £479, just £21 off my target with over four weeks to go. I'm so grateful, not only for the donations but also for the immense support I have received from just about everyone. There's no denying that these past 11 weeks, for the most part, I have been tired and pretty grumpy so thank you everyone, and especially James, for putting up with me (and making me so many teas!).
Sunday will see my final long race before the big day, Kilomathon, a 26.2k race in Derby, which I will Run for Japan - a challenge to cover 24,901 miles (right around the world) in 28 days with at least one run dedicated from every country in the World. To achieve this runners around the globe are being asked to dedicate just one run to the people of Japan and donate at least one unit of their home currency per mile run.
Then one more long run to do the following Sunday before my taper begins.
Now I just need to work out what I'm going to do with my time once all this is over.
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