Have had a thoroughly enjoyable week in the world of running!
I spent Sunday watching the Leeds Run For All 10k with Lisa. Unbelievably, I realised this is the first ever race I have spectated since, for me, the effort of turning up means I might as well run it. However, it was a really good experience and I loved cheering people on, particularly at the end when they were struggling because I know just how they feel. To top it off, a very pregnant Paula Radcliffe was also running the race (though I was disappointed to note she is still thinner than me!) and ran within inches of us so we got a chance to cheer her on too. By the end, I decided I'd quite like to enter this race next year as it was my first ever 10k in 2008, so it would be interesting to compare how I have improved.
Monday at club is the now monthly 5k time trial. I'd convinced myself that I'd just amble round and use it as a light run but obviously was unable to do that as soon as we set off due to my increasing competitive streak! It was quite a tough course round Eccleshill due to the number of roads to cross and there are also quite a few inclines. Nevertheless, I made it back to Fitness First in 26.01, which I was pleased with. Almost a minute slower than my PB from May but this course was definitely tougher.
Wednesday saw me trekking over to Halifax for the Helen Windsor 10k which took ages, and after sitting in the car for an hour and a half trying to get there, and then unable to find the car park entrance, I was ready to turn round and go home. I finally made it with 15 minutes to go before the start of the race and managed to register, meet Julie (who was racing on her birthday - hats off to you, Julie) and do a quick warm-up before the gun went and we were off.
It was a really scenic course but also hilly and the weather was pretty muggy. We started at Gretland, which was fairly rural and I tried to take in the lovely views and enjoy it rather than focussing on speeding round but it was hard when I was huffing and puffing up those hills (see photo - why oh why can't they snap you when you're speeding down hill?!). The only saving grace of such a hilly course was the lovely downhills that came afterwards! As I was chugging round I mentally decided to add this race to my never again list, but my the time I crossed the finish line I had decided that it hadn't been so bad and I would do it again. How quickly the memory blanks things out! Anyway, I managed to complete it in 58.38 which I was pleased with.
I'm now enjoying my birthday weekend and a bit of a rest from running. I have the Washburn Valley Relay booked for next Friday which sounds like fun and I'll probably do some training runs in the week but nothing too strenuous.
My immediate task for the next week is to book a sports massage, which I am desperate for as I feel so stiff. I'm also suffering from aching calves when I run so I guess I need to do something about it before it gets worse. Also, on the list it to think about going back to boot camp to stengthen the rest of my body and sort out my increasingly wobbly belly...hmm or maybe just eat less?
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